Clinical Team Toolkit

Preventing, screening, and responding to the impact of ACEs and toxic stress

female doctor smiling at young patient

The ACEs Aware Clinical Team Toolkit: Preventing, Screening, and Responding to the Impact of ACEs and Toxic Stress offers clinicians and practices comprehensive information and resources. This Toolkit is composed of a series of fact sheets that are designed to be read individually.

The toolkit explains how to:

  • Screen: Selecting a screening tool, calculating the ACE score, incorporating screening into the clinical workflow, and receiving Medi-Cal payment for screenings.
  • Treat. Providing trauma-informed care, using the ACE and Toxic Stress Risk Assessment Algorithm to inform treatment planning, and educating patients on evidence-based interventions.
  • Heal. Helping patients heal from the harmful consequences of toxic stress.

Click here to download the full toolkit.

ACEs Aware Initiative

Cover Letter from Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Dr. Karen Mark

ACEs Aware Initiative: Overview

The Science of ACEs and Toxic Stress


Screen: Training and Payment

Screening Tools Overview

Suggested Clinical Workflows for Screening

Medi-Cal Certification and Payment


Treat: Clinical Practice

Trauma-Informed Care Overview

Clinical Response to ACEs and Toxic Stress


Heal: Resources and Support

Patient Tools and Informational Handouts



For more ACEs Aware information and materials, please visit the ACE Resources page.