The ACEs Aware initiative is a first-in-the nation effort to screen patients for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to help improve and save lives.

ACEs Aware strives to create a better world for our children, families, and communities by working together across sectors to prevent and address the impact of ACEs and toxic stress.

Your journey to becoming ACEs Aware starts here.

Select your path to find resources about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), toxic stress, and trauma-informed care.

The ACEs Aware Storytelling Series consists of videos capturing the broad impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) across California and the power of the work of the ACEs Aware initiative, which trains health care providers to screen, recognize, and respond to ACEs and toxic stress. Watch now.
male doctor smiling as young female patient looks in his ear
About the Initiative

ACEs Aware is an initiative led by the Office of the California Surgeon General and the Department of Health Care Services to give Medi-Cal providers training, clinical protocols, and payment for screening children and adults for ACEs.

ACEs Aware
Advisory Committees

About DHCS

The mission of DHCS is to provide Californians with access to affordable, integrated, high-quality health care, including medical, dental, mental health, substance use treatment services, and long-term care. DHCS’ vision is to preserve and improve the overall health and well-being of all Californians. DHCS funds health care services for more than 13 million Medi-Cal beneficiaries.

About the California Surgeon General

The role of the California Surgeon General was created in 2019 by Governor Gavin Newsom to marshal the insights and energy of medical professionals, scientists, public health experts, public servants, and everyday Californians to drive solutions to our most pressing public health challenges. Dr. Diana E. Ramos is a well-recognized public health leader, and as California’s Surgeon General, serves as a leading spokesperson on health disparities, social determinants of health, preconception/interconception health, preterm birth, contraception and quality improvement in health.

“My hope for every Californian is a healthier, more equitable future. That is my commitment, and the Office of the California Surgeon General’s commitment to you. I look forward to serving you.”
California Surgeon General, Dr. Diana Ramos

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