These 4 ads can be used to educate pediatricians and other health care professionals about the important role they play in identifying children who have been exposed to violence or are experiencing toxic stress. They’re ideal for physically hanging in staff lounges, hallways, or other high-traffic areas. They can also be used for newsletters and other promotional pieces.
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This 6-part series was designed with the primary care practice in mind – those who may or may not be familiar with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the process of asking families about exposure to ACEs or other traumatic events.
Webinars on toxic stress and resilience.
Handout for parents about caring for themselves and children.
A number of AAP policy statements and clinical reports that can help guide pediatricians and the medical home in identifying and treating children exposed to violence.
What providers can do in clinical practice to address ACEs and toxic stress to help and protect youth.
This document provides pediatricians and other health care providers with prevention and intervention resources.
A consumer resource featuring information related to psychological issues affecting your daily physical and emotional well-being.
An American Psychological Association (APA) fact sheet series, “How psychologists can help,” provides insight into how psychologists can help patients manage a range of chronic health conditions.
Webinar in Sarah Haight, Katie Albright, Jeannette Pai-Espinosa, and Jason Gortney in 2014.
This joint letter from the California Department of Social Services, the California Department of Health Care Services, and the Office of the California Surgeon General provides clarifying guidance on the responsibilities of health care clinical teams who conduct screenings for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in the context of the state’s mandated reporting requirements.
This case study describes the experience of FPA Women’s Health in getting multi-clinic ACE screening implementation off the ground and provides an example of how to pilot ACE screening at one clinic and then expand to other clinics over time. This case study reinforces the importance ACEs Aware places on ongoing training and education and giving clinicians and staff the tools and language to discuss sensitive issues with patients.
This case study describes the experience of Marin Community Clinics in obtaining buy-in for piloting and designing the implementation process for organization-wide ACE screening. It reinforces the importance ACEs Aware places on developing a robust implementation team, training staff on trauma-informed care and ACE screening, and expanding internal and external resources to respond to ACEs and toxic stress.
Video about the definition of ACEs and methods to prevent them.
Center for Health Care Strategies webinars and profiles on ACEs.
A national initiative aimed at understanding how trauma-informed approaches can be practically implemented across the health care sector.
Webinar on October 16, 2018 featuring Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Dr. Edward Machtinger
A Technical Assistance Tool by Meryl Schulman and Alexandra Maul in 2019.
From Treaters to Healers videos features practitioners from The Bronx, Philadelphia, and San Francisco who are leading a movement to improve health care for patients who have experienced trauma.
The Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Center, developed by the Center for Health Care Strategies with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, offers a one-stop information hub for health care providers and other stakeholders interested in implementing trauma-informed care
The User Guide outlines how the Center for Youth Wellness Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire is used at Bayview Child Health Center (BCHC-CYW).